Author Instructions
Submission Checklist
- Please examine whether your work is appropriate for this journal by reading the Aims & Scope to have a general understanding.
- Make your manuscript editable using the Manuscript Templates.
- Verify the proper consideration of authorship, data, reference, figure formats, publication ethics, and copyright.
- Make sure that each author has read and approved the Author Instructions and the content of the submitted manuscript.
- Please make sure all the journal Ethics and Policies are abided by and you have prepared all the required files.
- Please note that all submitted manuscripts will be screened twice using iThenticate to verify originality, after submission and prior to publication. The manuscript would be screened more times if it did not pass the prior two screening procedures. The screening results will be provided to the authors; the dishonorable papers will be rejected by the journal.
When authors submit an article to a journal, it is implied that:
- The work described has not been published previously except in the form of a preprint, an abstract, a published lecture, or an academic thesis. The article is not under consideration for publication elsewhere.
- The article’s publication is approved by all authors and tacitly or explicitly by the responsible authorities where the work was carried out.
- If accepted, the article will not be published elsewhere in the same form, in English or in any other language, including electronically, without the written consent of the copyright holder.
File Format
For your complete submission, including figures, tables, and text graphics, we require editable source files. Some rules:
- use the extensions .doc/.docx for Word files and .tex for LaTeX files to save files in an editable format
- a PDF is not a suitable source file
Reviewers Suggestions and Exclusions
To support the peer review process, we ask you to provide the names and institutional email addresses of 4-6 potential reviewers for your manuscripts. These referees may not be approached by the editors. Kindly supply comprehensive contact details, including the address, homepage, phone number, and email address. The suggested referees must not be the co-authors' present collaborators or have collaborated on any of the manuscript's publications in the previous three years. Besides, the writers and the suggested reviewers ought to be from distinct universities. You can suggest suitable journal Editorial Board members as possible reviewers.
You are free to omit a select group of researchers from consideration as potential editors or reviewers of your paper. We ask that you limit the number of people you exclude to no more than three in order to maintain an impartial and thorough peer review process. Please provide an explanation or justification for any additional referees you would like to have excluded, the editors will use this material to determine whether to comply with your request.
All authors should agree to be accountable for all aspects of the work to ensure that the questions related to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the work are appropriately investigated and resolved. And they should have made substantial contributions to all of the following:
- the conception and design of the study, acquisition of data, or analysis and interpretation of data
- drafting the article or revising it critically for important intellectual content
- final approval of the version to be submitted
Changes to Authorship
Authorship changes are typically not taken into consideration by the journal's editors after a manuscript has been submitted. The authorship list and author order should be carefully considered by the authors, and a definitive author list should be provided at the time of original submission.
This journal's policy regarding authorship changes:
- Every author's information must be entered into the submission system and included in the manuscript.
- Only before acceptance and with the journal editor's permission may author names be added, removed, or rearranged in the authorship list.
- Requests to change authorship should be made by the corresponding author, who must provide the reason for the request to the journal editor with written All authors, including those being added or removed, must confirm that they approve of the addition, deletion, or reorganization.
- After acceptance, the journal editor will only take into account the addition, removal, or reorganization of authors under special circumstances.
- While a change in authorship request is being considered, the manuscript's publication may be put on hold.
- If the manuscript has already been published, any authorship change requests that are approved by the journal editor will result in a Correction.
- If an author makes any unauthorized changes, the article may be rejected or, if it has already been published, retracted.
Graphical Abstract
A graphical abstract must be included with your submission.
The graphical abstract should provide a succinct, visual summary of your article's content that is intended to draw in a large readership. A graphical abstract will help readers better understand your research and increase the visibility of your online article.
- Please send in your graphical abstract through the online submission system as a separate file.
- A minimum of 531 x 1328 pixels (h x w) or proportionally larger is required, and the image must be readable at 5 x 13 cm with a standard screen resolution of 96 dpi.
- Our preferred file types for graphical abstracts are TIFF, EPS, PDF, or MS Office files.
Declaration of Generative AI in Scientific Writing
It is anticipated that the usage of generative AI and AI-assisted technologies in content creation will grow. However, AI and AI-assisted technologies should only be used to enhance the readability and language of manuscripts; they should not be used to perform essential researcher tasks during the writing process, such as generating scientific insights, evaluating and interpreting data, or coming to scientific conclusions.
AI and AI-assisted technologies can only be utilized under human supervision and control, as they may produce biased or inaccurate results. They should also not be cited as authors or labeled as co-authors.
Authors should disclose the use of AI and AI-assisted technologies in their articles, and the final publication will need to include a comment on the subject.
We will continue to keep an eye on developments and modify the policy as needed.
Types of Publications and Specific Requirements
Article type |
Requirements |
[Original research article] |
[Manuscript, Cover Letter, Conflict of Interest Form, Tables, Figures, Copyright Transfor Form (Optional)] |
[Review] |
[Manuscript, Cover Letter, Conflict of Interest Form, Tables, Figures, Copyright Transfor Form (Optional)] |
[Short communication] |
[Manuscript, Cover Letter, Conflict of Interest Form, Tables, Figures, Copyright Transfor Form (Optional)] |
[Editorial] |
[Manuscript, Conflict of Interest Form, Tables, Figures, Copyright Transfor Form (Optional)] |
[Short review] |
[Manuscript, Cover Letter, Conflict of Interest Form, Tables, Figures, Copyright Transfor Form (Optional)] |
[Viewpoints] |
[Manuscript, Cover Letter, Conflict of Interest Form, Tables, Figures, Copyright Transfor Form (Optional)] |
[Commentary] |
[Manuscript, Cover Letter, Conflict of Interest Form, Tables, Figures, Copyright Transfor Form (Optional)] |
Front Matter
Article Title
Title of article. Article names ought to be clear and educational. Please refrain from using formulas and abbreviations unless they are well-known and widely accepted (e.g., DNA).
Author Names
Provide each author's given name and family name. The authors' order ought to correspond with the submission system's order. Make sure that every name is spelled correctly. After the English transliteration, you can, if necessary, follow it up with your name in parenthesis in your own script.
Below the names of the authors, include affiliation addresses that indicate the location of the work. A lower-case superscript letter should be used to indicate affiliations right after the author's name and before the relevant address. Make sure to include each affiliation's complete mailing address, along with the name of the nation and, if possible, each author's email address.
Corresponding Author
Make it clear who will be in charge of your article's correspondence during the entire refereeing, publication, and post-publication processes. This duty includes responding to any follow-up questions on your data, methods, materials, and results. It is critical to maintain your related author's email address and contact information current throughout the submission and publication processes.
A footnote to the author's name might be used to provide a "current address" (sometimes known as a "permanent address") if the author has moved since the work detailed in your article was completed or if the author was visiting at the time. The author's primary affiliation address must remain the address where they completed the work. For these footnotes, use Arabic numbers in superscript.
You must submit a succinct and accurate abstract. The goal of your study, key findings, and important conclusions should all be succinctly stated in the abstract.
- Since abstracts are frequently presented independently of the article, they must be self-contained.
- Steer clear of allusions. Make sure to cite the author or authors and the year if any are necessary.
- Steer clear of unusual or non-standard abbreviations. Make sure they are defined in your abstract from the outset if any are necessary to include.
For indexing purposes, you must include a minimum of one keyword. English should be used for writing keywords. Please make an effort to stay away from keywords that use "and" or "of" to combine numerous words. We advise against using abbreviations in keywords unless they are well-established in the industry.
Main Text
Make sure your manuscript complies with the journal's basic requirements by dividing it into clearly defined sections that cover all necessary components.
The introduction should clearly state the objectives of your work. It is advised that you give a sufficient background for your work, but refrain from writing a thorough literature review or results summary.
Material and Methods
The materials and methods section should provide sufficient details about your materials and methods to allow your work to be reproduced by an independent researcher.
- If the approach you took has already been published, give a synopsis and cite the original work.
- If you are quoting directly from a previously published method, use quotation marks and cite the source.
- Explain any changes you have made to current practices.
Theory and Calculation
The theory section should lay the foundation for further research by building on the information you provided in the article's introduction. The computations part should show how to move from a theoretical basis to a practical one.
This section presents the findings of the investigation. Furthermore, the results of statistical analysis must be presented as text or, if appropriate, tables or figures. Authors should only highlight and summarize the most important observations. It is also necessary to provide details on each primary and secondary result that was described in the Methods section. Supplementary documents may contain additional or auxiliary parts and technical information.
This section should discuss the relevance of the findings in light of prior research as well as the limitations of the study. Future research directions could also be suggested.
The conclusion section should include the main conclusions of your investigation. You can either have a distinct conclusions part or incorporate your conclusions in a subsection of your discussion or results and discussion section.
Please provide definitions of field-specific terms used in your article in a separate list.
When an acronym appears for the first time in the abstract, main body, figure, or table captions, it should be defined and used consistently from then on. Unless they are used at least three times in the text, non-standard abbreviations are prohibited. Abbreviations that are frequently used, like DNA, RNA, ATP, etc., can be used without a meaning. Except for those that are commonly used, titles and keywords should not contain abbreviations.
We recommend that you use footnotes sparingly. Make sure your footnotes are consecutively numbered if you include them in your article.
You can make use of system functions that incorporate footnotes into text automatically. As an alternative, you can provide footnotes in a distinct section at the conclusion of your article and indicate where they are located within the text.
Multimedia Files
The journal supports manuscripts with multimedia files. The requirements are listed as follows:
- Video or audio files are only acceptable in English.
- The presentation and introduction should be easy to understand. The frames should be clear, and the speech speed should be moderate.
- A brief overview of the video or audio files should be given in the manuscript text.
- The video or audio files should be limited to a size of up to 500 MB.
- Please use professional software to produce high-quality video files to facilitate acceptance and publication along with the submitted article.
- Please upload the videos in mp4, WMV, or rm format (preferably mp4) and audio files in mp3 or WAV format.
Back Matter
Supplementary Material
We encourage the use of supplementary materials such as applications, images, and sound clips to enhance research. Please cite all supplementary files in the manuscript text and send in additional materials concurrently with your article.
Be aware that all supplementary materials provided will appear online in the exact same file type as received. The production team will not typeset or format these files.
Please include a concise, descriptive caption for each supplementary file describing its content and update the supplementary files if, at any stage of the publication process, you wish to make changes to submitted supplementary materials.
Author Contributions
The journal's authorship credit should only be given for significant contributions to a published study that meet the four requirements listed below:
- significant contributions to the work's design or idea, or to the collection, evaluation, or interpretation of data for the project
- drafting the work or making crucial revisions to ensure it contains significant intellectual content
- final approval of the version to be published
- consent to take responsibility for all parts of the work, making sure that any concerns about its integrity or accuracy are properly looked into and addressed
All individuals who fit these requirements ought to be recognized as authors. In their articles, authors must include a description of their efforts in the Authors' Contribution section. Contributors who do not fit all four requirements—such as being solely involved in funding acquisition, general research group supervision, general administrative support, writing assistance, technical editing, language editing, proofreading, etc.—should be recognized in the manuscript's Acknowledgement section instead of being listed as authors.
If the work was done by a large multiple-author group, the group should preferably decide who will be the authors before the work begins and confirm the authors before submission. The four requirements for authorship must be fulfilled by each member of the group designated as writers.
AI and technologies aided by AI should not be included.
All authors are required to declare the support they received to carry out their research during the initial submission. The journal does not accept the removal of funding sources during the revising process without an appropriate explanation. Please notice that this conduct may trigger a manuscript rejection. Authors should declare all financial support and sources that were used to perform the research, analysis, and/or article publication. Financial support is generally in the form of grants, royalties, consulting fees, and others. Organizations that provide the grants and grant numbers should be declared. If the study is not involved with this issue, state "None." in this section.
Include any individuals who provided you with help during your research, such as help with language, writing, or proofreading, in the acknowledgments section.
In our journal, acknowledgments ought to be in a distinct section that comes right before the list of references. Do not include acknowledgments on your title page, as a footnote to your title, or anywhere else in your article other than in the separate acknowledgements section.
Conflict of Interests
We requires authors to declare any possible financial and/or non-financial conflicts of interest in the cover letter and back matter, as well as confirm this point when submitting their manuscript in the submission system. If no conflicts of interest exist, authors need to state, "The authors declare no conflicts of interest." We also recognize that some authors may be bound by confidentiality agreements, in which cases authors need to state, "The authors declare that they are bound by confidentiality agreements that prevent them from disclosing their competing interests in this work.".
For appendices, we ask that you follow this format:
- Use the following format to identify each appendix in your article: A, B, etc.
- Formulas and equations in appendices should be given distinct numbers using formats like Eq. (A.1), Eq. (A.2), etc.; in subsequent appendices, use Eq. (B.1), Eq. (B.2), etc. In a similar way, give separate numbering to tables and figures using formats such as Table A.1; Fig. A.1, etc.
It is the author's responsibility to ensure that their references are accurate, comprehensive, and properly cited in the text. Instead of alphabetizing, number references according to their textual order. Use Arabic numerals in superscript to indicate references in text, tables, and legends. When citing sources, use AMA format and shorten journal titles based on PubMed's list of journals. If there are more than six authors or editors, list the first three and then "et al." Note: The issue number should come after the volume number in parenthesis in journal references.
Indicate references by adding a number within square brackets in the text. You can refer to author names within your text, but you must always give the reference number, e.g., “as demonstrated [3,6]. Barnaby and Jones obtained a different result ....”
- (Reference 1, Example for Journals:) Tan, R.; Wan, Y.; Yang, X. Hydroxyethyl starch and its derivatives as nanocarriers for delivery of diagnostic and therapeutic agents towards cancers. Biomater Transl 2020,1:1-10.
- (Reference 2: Example for Books:) Craighead, H. G. Nanostructures in Electronics. In Nanomaterials: Synthesis, Properties and Applications; Edelstein, A., Cammatata, R., eds.; Taylor and Francis: New York, 1998; pp 565–566.